
[institutional documents]


[institutional documents]

Date: 1922-1926
Sheet: 205 × 130 mm (20.5 × 13 cm)
Sheet: 290 × 230 mm (29 × 23 cm)
Sheet: 330 × 230 mm (33 × 23 cm)
Sheet: 150 × 100 mm (15 × 10 cm)
Sheet: 255 × 205 mm (25.5 × 20.5 cm)
Sheet: 255 × 205 mm (25.5 × 20.5 cm)
Sheet: 255 × 205 mm (25.5 × 20.5 cm)
Medium: paper, ink
Object number: MIS.2022.126.M.1-7
Description.1 City and Guilds leaflet for embroidery exam, 1922
.2 letter from Burridge (principal of Central School of Arts & Crafts) to Lilian Sear congratulating her on her exam result at City and Guilds, with counterfoil from exam attached with a pin
.3 Certificate from City and Guilds, showing that Lilian Sear passed her exam first class, 1922
.4 Observer press cutting, 14/1/1923, with review of Arts & Crafts section at Royal Academy of Art, with Lilian Sear’s sampler being mentioned
.5 letter from the Royal Academy of Arts telling her that her work has been sold, 8/2/1923
.6 letter from Central School telling Sear to come to a meeting about the 1925 Paris exhibition, 30/1/1926
.7 letter from Central School sending her the certificate of award she received for her work at the 1925 Paris exhibition, 1/12/1926