

Muriel Blomfield Jackson

Birth Date: 1901
Death Date: 1978
Birth Place:London
School: Central School of Arts & Crafts

Daughter of A. Bloomfield , Muriel Jackson was born in London and educated at Ruskin House School, Hampstead. Painter and wood engraver of portraits and figure subjects, and mural decorator, she studied first at the Central School from 1917-22 under Noel Rooke for wood engraving and F. Ernest Jackson for tempera painting. From 1920 she specialized in recording gypsy caravans on Hampstead Heath, in 1948 presenting the Buckland Caravan to the London County Council.
She was a finalist in the Prix de Rome in 1925 and in 1931 received the Logan Medal at the International Exhibition of Lithography and Wood Engraving, Art Institute of Chicago, for her print Wagon on the Heath. She exhibited at the NEAC, RA, with the Society of Wood Engravers (periodically at the Redfern Gallery, Associate Member 1925), as well as in the provinces and abroad.
Author: JS