
Microcosmic form of the seed 1

A hanging sculpture suspended against a black background. The sculpture is made from very fine crocheted silver and gold wire and resembles an abstract seedpod, with a vessel shape dotted with gold and silver circular holes.

Microcosmic form of the seed 1

Date: 2022
Artist: Yuxi Song, 宋雨羲 (Chinese)
32 x 21 x 21cm
Medium: Copper wire
Object number: UAC 1100
DescriptionYuxi studied MA Designer Maker at Camberwell College of Arts. She writes in her artists' statement:
'Yuxi is a designer and maker whose work is dedicated to the visualization of Eastern philosophy. She reflects and analyses the order of nature from a critical perspective of the real world. She has created a series of installations, sculptures and jewellery around themes such as time, emptiness and cycles. Under the profound influence of Eastern philosophy, Yuxi pushes the limits of art forms and materials to open a journey of contemplation on life and the cosmos with audiences.'