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Eating with yt

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Eating with yt

Date: 2024
Artist: Tong Yin
Medium: Digital film
Object number: T.2024.80.CC
DescriptionA 16mm stop motion film that shows two people on an imaginary date in East London, connected to one another by a knitted tablecloth.

Description by the maker:
This story is inspired by two of my most unforgettable dates and the gastro pubs we went to, including all my thoughts about them, myself, love and food. I translated all those
thoughts into a conceptual tableware through knitting, and visualised how my products and designs will be put into use in my imaginary dating dining scenario through a 16mm stop motion film.

I always think highly of gastronomic related experiences. Since I moved to East London,
dating and dining in a gentrified area reminds me of my desire and eagerness about life. I
visualize my dating stories through the text messages, the aesthetic of pubs, and the food we shared. All the memories during these dates form the primary research of my textile development and the product design thoughts. Living and dating in East London make me aware of how my local environment impacts my lifestyle and mindset. I put all my reflection about it into this collection and the film.

To me, being gentrified is an unconscious result based on a conscious choice. I see my
dating life in a gentrified area as a critical investigation of this content. Here, I use my life,
my design and my aesthetic to reflect on and visualize my illusion, identity and desire.