
Weaving Futures: Gainsborough

black shapes on yellow

Weaving Futures: Gainsborough

Date: December 2016
420 × 310 mm (42 × 31 cm)
520 × 325 mm (52 × 32.5 cm)
690 × 340 mm (69 × 34 cm)
Medium: textile
Object number: T.2023.1200.CC.1-3
DescriptionThree woven pieces:
.1 grey shapes forming lines on yellow
.2 black shapes forming lines on blue
.3 rectangles on dark blue lines

Gainsborough looked at the TfL fabric archive and selected some of their favourite designs from the Gainsborough Archive that share the TfL design aesthetic. By combining the two archives to construct a single design, they connected TfL and Gainsborough as two companies working in parallel.