
91% No.1

A painting depicting black railings with a red Covid-testing tent, green bushes, and blue flat buildings in the background. Locks are attached to the railings, and an air purifier is painted in front. The text '91% No. 1' is painted in orange at the bottom of the canvas.

91% No.1

Date: 2022
Artist: Hao Ming (Chinese)
42 x 30cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Object number: UAC 1114
DescriptionHao Ming studied MA Fine Art: Painting at Camberwell College of Arts. He says:
'Painting is my main form of expression. I also explore diverse techniques and materials to enhance my practice.
I'm deeply intrigued by politics in the internet era and how it visualizes history. Being a millennial, I feel at home with this approach, as it floods my mind with information, exposing social crises and past political events. My art draws heavily from internet images, news photos, memes, and graphics, portraying current events and historical archives. These pieces lack a linear narrative but compress into flat, screen-like visuals, connecting events across time.
I'm also influenced by pop art and culture, using cheerful, cartoonish characters and vibrant colours that contrast with underlying cruelty. Symbolic graphics and unruly painting techniques break boundaries, adding expressiveness and material features. This colourful style softens the seriousness of the political subjects.'
Hao Ming says he has 'used a few images for this painting as well to show the situation that Chinese people face under the zero-covid policy, the locked gates, the red tent for the covid test, the air purifier and, more ironically, the text from an official report stating that ninety-one per cent of the population is satisfied with the official government, the first in the world. The black gate fills almost the entire painting and, together with the yellow striking text below, gives the painting something of the feel of a poster'.