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What We Talk About When We Talk About Artists and A Contemporary Figure of Resistance

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What We Talk About When We Talk About Artists and A Contemporary Figure of Resistance

Date: February and March 2022
289 × 380 mm (28.9 × 38 cm)
138 × 200 mm (13.8 × 20 cm)
Medium: 1/ Offset Print, Improved Newsprint Stock 55gsm 2/ Riso Print, black and metallic gold ink, gold foil Crush Corn 120gsm + Sugar Paper 100gsm Printed and bound by hand
Object number: GD.2023.474.CC.1-2
DescriptionTwo publications by Katya Kabaktchieva. Description by artist: 1/ What We Talk About When We Talk About Artists is an experimental newspaper
highlighting the works of 18 women in 16 different art fields, from interior design to tattoo
art. Each spread responds to the artist it’s dedicated to through its layout and typography.
The organised chaos contains found biographies, thoughts, interviews and statistics. It’s
designed to be flipped through, flipped around, used as a poster, as a learning device,
paying tribute to women artists and inviting the reader to do so too.
2/ A Contemporary Figure of Resistance is a book tracing the timeline of witches in
Western Europe through its five chapters dedicated to history, visual magic, elements, pop
culture and contemporary practices. Each chapter is accompanied by an index and
interview with a modern witch or an individual who has met with a spiritual healer. The
riso ink used in the printing means that the reader might get their fingers stained in black
while flipping through, getting marked by witchcraft, resistance at their fingertips.