

Photograph of an art installation featuring a projected black and white film showing a figure seated on an anti-tank 'hedgehog' on a city street. A small, metal anti-tank hedgehog structure is on the floor to the right of the projection. On this sits a TV screen with text just visible.


Date: 2023
Artist: Mariia Vydrenko (Ukrainian)
Video 1: 04:28
Video 2: 04:28
Structure: 60 x 80cm
Medium: Multimedia installation, videos featuring Super 8 film footage and metal structure
Object number: UAC 1103
DescriptionMariia studied BA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts. She says:
'I identify myself as a Ukrainian artist and my current practice is oriented on the processing and transformation of trauma, consequences of the conflict and reshaping of personal and shared experience against the backdrop of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Primarily using analogue photography and recently motion picture, I am interested in developing new approaches to the medium in order to activate different modes of perception of the semantic content of my work. In my practice, I also widely use text and sculptural elements as a self-contained unit as well as an extension of the photographic image.
“ * “ piece is created from the perspective of the one directly affected by the events, with experience from within and oriented mostly on the viewer who exists outside of the epicentre of events.
Based on the recognition of the distance present between human experience and information that forms our image of it, it opens discussion around endeavour and labour of gathering information, analysing it, on the level of cognition as well as on the level of feelings'.