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Black Antiquity

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Black Antiquity

Date: May 2021
Designer: Amandine Forest
250 × 146 mm (25 × 14.6 cm) - book
Medium: Publication - Paper inside: 140gsm textured and recycled / Cover 270gsm textured - metal Wire-O binding Scarfs: Silk
Object number: GD.2021.50.CC.1-5
DescriptionTwo books and three silk scarfs from the project Black Antiquity.

Designers description:
How can experimental publishing help engage with the subject of Black Antiquity?
With this brief I want to restore the truth, with this idea of re-discovering history, re-discovering our history, my history.
It is almost indispensable in personal development and finding their identity for black people, to know that your people are actually the first civilisation ever. All this intertwine with an exploration of experimental publishing. Using the publication as a medium instead of a support, challenge publishing and propose a publication that creates a real interaction, a user experience. This whole experimental approach will be supported by an archaeological view, it will represent this idea of digging into history, to re-discover it. The idea is to have the publication working as an excavation of this fake history.