
Green Ribbons

An abstract painting featuring abstract geometric shapes in blue tones across the painting surface, which create a perspectival optical illusion effect. A light yellow line loops and twists through and around the geometric shapes.

Green Ribbons

Date: 2021
Artist: Maya Patel (British)
122 x 92cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Object number: UAC 1052
DescriptionMaya studied BA Painting at Camberwell College of Arts. She says:
'My work portrays distortion and illusion using abstract objects to explore an imaginary nspace in which things do not behave as expected. My intention is to create works that ncapture ones attention, pull the viewer in and exploit a willingness to believe in the optical illusions present in the work. I am intrigued by the ability paint holds to represent a fake or imagined three dimensional space on a two dimensional stage.'