
Dream & Memory 1 -3

A pencil drawing of a bedroom scene. A curtain billows inwards, some items of clothing are on the bed and floor, and two figures or dolls are tucked into the bed. The scene has a soft, dream-like quality.

Dream & Memory 1 -3

Date: 2021
Artist: Yao Shi (Chinese)
14 x 21cm each
Medium: Graphite pencil on paper
Object number: UAC 1049
DescriptionYao Shi studied BA Drawing at Camberwell College of Arts. She says:

'These drawings are based on my dream that I had during the lockdown. When I have been trapped in my bedroom nearly 12 months, I recorded my dreams on a sketch book, and made a few sculptures based on the sketches. Then I started to make my animation that is based on the story board of my dream and memory.
When I was shooting the model for my 3D animation I am not satisfied with the image. So, I tried to draw it with sharp pencil on a rough paper. I found that images are dreamier. Then I tried to make more models of the bedroom that is based on the memory of my childhood and put my sculptures with them together. I constantly reflected the relationship with my family and friends during my practice. I found that my memory and feelings has been distorted or filtered after drawing and sculpting by this special moment.'