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Things You Should Know

Black text fills the frame on a white background. The text reads: Women are paid to love. Love! Even if it is precariously. Even if it is artificially. Love a country that is not yours. Love a house that is not yours. Love children that are not yours. Love is service. Love is cleanliness. Love is discipline. We will capitalize your love. We will make you believe it is love and not work. You will never be loved back. Now look at me - do you think I actually love you? Do you think I actually care about you?

Things You Should Know

Date: 2020
Artist: Inés Cardó (Peruvian/Spanish)
84 x 119cm
Medium: Printed text on PVC banner
Object number: UAC 1047
DescriptionInés studied BA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts. She says:
'Switching voices and positions of power between the authoritative and the vulnerable, the
subjective and the supposedly objective, 'Things You Should Know' creates a collage of voices and a blurred narrator to reflect on experiences of care, gender and migration. It explores mainly paid - but also unpaid - emotional, care and domestic work performed by women in the everyday and the instrumentalization of women’s love inside capitalism.'