
Fingers Become Knives

A split screen image. The right side shows potatoes and onions being sliced on a wooden chopping board. The left side shows black text on a white background. The text reads: 5. A good tortilla can take hours to make, Mama says. It is easy to recognize a good tortilla. Once it is cut, the egg on the inside must run, weep, pour itself to the outside.

Fingers Become Knives

Date: 2021
Artist: Inés Cardó (Peruvian/Spanish)
11 min 40 sec
Medium: Multi screen digital film
Object number: UAC 1046
DescriptionInés studied BA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts. She says:
''Fingers Become Knives' draws upon personal memories around the preparation of the Spanish tortilla - from my mother cooking to me as a child, to my own experience learning the recipe as a migrant in London - to unpack thoughts about care, colonialism, housework and migration. With influence from Deleuze's ideas of 'becoming', the narrative explores how identities (with an emphasis on national and gendered ones) are under constant social construction and performance, being naturalised through everyday routines, such as the act of cooking.'