
Disrupted Landscapes #5

A black and white photographic view depicting a stony, barren landscape. A black linear shape in the form of the left and top lines of a rectangle has been overlaid on the image which follows the line of a subtle change in the landscape, revealing that it is a collage of two seperate photographs.

Disrupted Landscapes #5

Date: 2020
Artist: Mandy Williams (British)
42.5 x 32cm
Medium: Silver gelatin print
Object number: UAC 1019
DescriptionMandy studied MA Photography at London College of Communication. She says the series of which this work is part 'uses images of Kent coastal landscapes as their starting point. It’s a landscape of iconic chalk cliffs symbolising defence and insular national identity; a site of visible and ephemeral borders.
In some photographs, coastal landscapes are merged with alien geographies accessed from NASA that resemble elements of our own landscape while unable to support human life. I am using these geographies to represent a landscape that has become alienated, and which causes harm. Environments bleed into one another. Black borders cross these disarticulated landscapes, reinforcing themes of disruption and exclusion.'