
These Past Few Months

White text in the centre of a black background reads 'these past few months'.

These Past Few Months

Date: 2020
Artist: W. Wright (British)
Medium: Web and audio
Object number: UAC 1010
DescriptionWright studied MA Fine Art Digital at Camberwell College of Arts. They say:
'This work is an attempt to isolate the tonal shifts that occurred within interpersonal and
commercial communications during the COVID 19 pandemic. For the most part, these
shifts were best defined by a new, rapidly expanding set of euphemisms deployed to veil
– and at times exploit - the uncertainty ahead, coercing us to believe that ‘in these
uncertain times’ it’s in our best interest to honour our existing financial commitments and
brand loyalties. This work was born from my participation on the board
'Euphemizing The Pandemic' where users collectively documented these new tropes and clichés in ‘real time’ as they emerged and established themselves within the ‘COVID