
Her Gracefulness

Painting depicting a young Black woman wearing a dark blue frock coat and white gloves, reminiscent of 18th century colonialist attire, and a tiara. She fixes the viewer a defiant gaze: head tipped back and hands grasping her lapels. The painting is mounted on a larger panel of embossed floral wallpaper. Sections of the wallpaper's pattern have been painted and extended to overlap the portrait. The whole artwork is mounted in a thin gilt-effect frame.

Her Gracefulness

Date: 2019
Artist: Glory Samjolly (British)
90 x 65cm
Medium: Oil and collaged paper on board
Object number: UAC 1005
DescriptionGlory studied BA Fine Art: Painting at Wimbledon College of Arts. She says that 'this painting forms part of a feminist series of portraiture paintings which narrate of Black/Asian woman in colonial settings. These portraits seek to shed a new perspective of Black/Asian woman in historical portraits, a bold reproach to the derogatory reputation of ethnic woman in historical portraiture. Before a painting of mine reaches its finished form, it requires investigation into my model, and their stance in society. The women I paint are artists, business owners and intellectuals sharing their stories by becoming the genre of art that misrepresents their race and gender the most.'