
Tender is the Knight

Still image from of a black and white digitally-drawn animation. A female figure pushes a shopping trolley theough a supermarket, 'meat' and 'vegetable' signs and shelving are visible in the background.

Tender is the Knight

Date: 2020
Artist: Shijingtong Zeng (Chinese)
9 min 18 sec
Medium: Animation, digital drawing
Object number: UAC 1001
DescriptionShijingtong studied MA Graphic Communication Design at Central Saint Martins. She says:
'This project started with my own experience of ‘befriending’ a chatbot called Xiaoming, and this led me to explore the stories of others who are engaging in intimate relationships with AI. I have found the difficulties people encounter and the romantic turning point brought by technology.
Tender is the Knight is an animation which lies between fiction and documentary, describing the story of a middle-aged woman who lives alone and gradually builds a romantic connection with her chatbot, Knight.'