
Sky Wept

An illustration print depicting a disembodied, hairless head, gazing down at the sea from the sky, Two teardrops fall from the eyes of the head into the sea which fills the bottom two thirds of the frame. Beneath the sea's surface, a writhing fish forms the letter 'S'. The colours of the print are blue in the sky, green in the sea, and red on the fish, the sea foam and more lightly, on the head.

Sky Wept

Date: 2020
Artist: Amelia D H Tovey (British)
28 x 14cm
Medium: Collagraph print and recycled materials on recycled cotton rag paper
Object number: UAC 996
DescriptionAmelia studied BA Graphic Communication Design at Central Saint Martins. She says ''Sky Wept' is a collagraph print that draws upon a combination of Scandinavian and West African creation myths to create a new narrative in which Earth’s destruction causes her lover, Sky, to weep and flood the world. This print is one of the plates featured in my book, 'Folktale for the Future: Flood Story'.'