
Folktale for the Future: Flood Story

A hand-bound book with light blue tie-fastenings. The left page contains an illustration in black and blue in which a disembodied, hairless face looks down on a sea, teardrops fall from the eyes into sea foam. In the sea, a writhing blue fish forms an S shape. The right side page features the text "Sky wept. Seas rose and flooded the land". The initial letter 'S' in the word 'sky' is formed by the snake in the print on the facing page.

Folktale for the Future: Flood Story

Date: 2020
Artist: Amelia D H Tovey (British)
60.3 x 30.5 x 3cm
Medium: Recycled papers, linen, natural dyes, ribbon, digital print
Object number: UAC 995
DescriptionAmelia studied BA Graphic Communication Design at Central Saint Martins. She says:

'Exploring questions such as ‘What stories will future generations be telling about us in the context of climate crisis?’, 'Folktale for the Future: Flood Story' combines an international selection of folktales to create a new narrative prop that exists within a ‘SolarPunk’ future – in which the climate crisis was resolved from collective action. The images made in this book were created from collagraph prints using recycled materials as I explored environmental methods of image-making that can be taken forward into future design practices. This book is designed to be so large and so heavy that one person alone struggles to read it, requiring a community of readers; much like humanitarian and environmental issues rely on collective action.'