
The Dream of Burnt Part Two

Highly multi-coloured and busy painting, combining an image of a bird in the foreground and assorted geometric and abstract patterns across the whole painting surface. A cartoon-ish pair of legs dangle from the upper edge of the canvas.

The Dream of Burnt Part Two

Date: 2019
Artist: Adam Green
120 x 150 x 4cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Object number: UAC 991
DescriptionAdam studied MA Painting at Wimbledon College of Arts. He says:
'My painting practice constructs a world of the future, narrating the adventures of two male twins in the fabricated town of Spheresville. This urban space blends 1900s Paris, Bladerunner and Futurama with a place of personal resonance, Chanctonbury Ring. As narrator of the mythologies, histories and societies that evolve, I use an expanded field of painting, sculpture, drawing, installation and film to create visual science fictions.

I invent situations and settings to insert smaller stories within the two-dimensional scenes I depict. At the same time, scenarios can leave the paintings to become ‘real-life’. For example, as performance art pieces.'