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Why Should?

Date: 2019
Artist: Sofía Sacomani (Argentinian)
50 x 50 x 8cm
Medium: Acrylic medium and ink transfer on aluminium in perspex box frame
Object number: UAC 986
DescriptionSofía studied MA Visual Arts: Printmaking at Camberwell College of Arts. She says:
'Approaching image making in a playful and experimental way, my practice constantly looks for ways to blur the boundaries between photography and other mediums. My work strives to challenge the common understanding of human perception, interrogating the human gaze, seeking to understand the act of looking and the role of memory. Combining film photography with screen print and ink transfer processes, my practice draws on personal narratives challenging common techniques by deconstructing the image. I aim to purify the images of preconceptions, transforming an objective photograph fixed in time into a more abstract, dynamic reinterpreted object.'