
Gloss Reality - tour inside the artworks


Gloss Reality - tour inside the artworks

Date: 2019
Artist: Paola Pinna (Italian)
Medium: 3D animation video
Object number: UAC 981
DescriptionPaola studied MA Fine Art Digital at Camberwell College of Arts. She says:

'My practice revolves around the relationship between humans and technology today. 'Gloss Reality' is a project inspired by online life, relationships and love 2.0. With 'Gloss Reality' my aim is to represent some dark parts of living online. Phenomena such as the body dysmorphia, the constant paranoia of how one appears to be physically increased by social networks - the "ghosting", the practice of ending a relationship by disappearing or blocking other people and finally love as experienced in the 2.0 era.

The possibility of being able to change oneself physically, with plastic surgery - but also many other things also new ways of conceiving life relying on technologies to change our habits and so on, they gave me a vision of the human being as a hybrid, cybernetic, mutable.'