
Blue Velvet


Blue Velvet

Date: 2018
Artist: Lily Kemp (British)
100 x 120 x 3.5cm
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Object number: UAC 974
DescriptionLily studied BA Fine Art: Painting at Wimbledon College of Arts. She says:

'My work explores the representation of women in visual culture and within art history, in particular the representation of those from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background.
In recognising the importance of representation, and the effect that negative and limiting stereotypes towards minorities has, I want to put forward new positive images of the women I am painting.

Collage plays a central role in my work process, the figures in my work are sourced from mass media. In my paintings I enjoy creating multiple visual layers in my work, using visual suggestions of drapery and holes to conceal and reveal new spaces within the painting.'