
The Untold Edition - A Visual Journey


The Untold Edition - A Visual Journey

Date: 2019
Artist: Kehkashan Khalid (Pakistani)
Film: 16:29
Medium: Journal, digital photograph and video
Object number: UAC 972
DescriptionKehkashan studied MA Fine Art Digital at Camberwell College of Arts. Her artist's statement says that she 'explores the positive potential of public art in a post-truth world. In an era of digimodernism where there is an atomization of individuals, constant dialogue and reformulation of art, she believes in leveraging our influence, and using platforms such as social media for humanitarian efforts. Her public art projects in Karachi and Jeddah aim to empower underprivileged or abused women and children, narrate untold or forgotten stories, and cause creative transformation in the communities that need it. This video is a montage of the documented footage from The Untold Edition projects, and the sketchbook, a record of the artist’s thoughts, emotions and memories as she curated them.'