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Ambien 1


Ambien 1

Date: 2019
Artist: Georg Dahled
182 x 152 x 5cm
Medium: Enamel, gesso, AMBIEN® traces, wood
Object number: UAC 971
DescriptionGeorg studied MA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts. His artist's statement says of the series this painting is a part of:

''Ambien' paintings consist of emulsion, gesso or enamel paint, to which traces of the eponymous sleeping pill have been added. Apparent in the reduced white paintings is the horizontal subdivision which separates the painting means used. The strategy of a loss of control lead to mistakes and inaccuracies during the working process which underwent occasional correction attempts in a next step. The 'Ambien' paintings were created in response to the death of the American painter Robert Ryman in February 2019.'