
Intercourse with my Vulva


Intercourse with my Vulva

Date: 2018
Artist: Meichen Lu (Chinese)
20 x 20cm each (2 pieces)
Medium: Chinese silk embroidery
Object number: UAC 957
DescriptionMeichen studied MA Illustration and Visual Media at London College of Communication. She says:

'In this project I have weakened the shape of the human body and have focused on building the character of female genitalia, and creating a graphic novel that reflects the most common feminist social issues, ‘rape’, with a vagina as the main character. The reason why I use the embroidery to present my work is because I have added some stereotype elements about gender in my graphic novel. For example, blue and pink (represent men and women), the skateboard, and even the embroidery. I also have some application of semiotics like the serpent that represent both phallic and vulvic.'