
A Sprinkling of Tortured Souls


A Sprinkling of Tortured Souls

Date: 2018
Artist: Yohan Le Peuch (French)
20 x 17 x 16cm
Medium: Unfired clay, metal and vinyl
Object number: UAC 946
DescriptionYohan studied BA Fine Art: Sculpture at Wimbledon College of Arts. He says:

'My practice centres on the archetypes and symbols used in storytelling throughout history. Inspired by the resurfacing of these archetypes within online culture, I make use of modern language and framing techniques to recontextualise these motifs for the modern viewer.
The original conception of the piece draws its origins from the lessons gained by the main protagonist of 'He Who Saw the Deep' (also known as 'The Epic of Gilgamesh'), supposedly the oldest piece of written literature. In it, and many stories since then, the idea of consuming good bread is often seriously portrayed as a remedy to the constant fear of death and the obsession about one's own mortality. I used this motif of the bread, presented here in its modern form as a late night snack typically bought on a cardboard pizza slice holder, and superimposed this symbol with a slightly tongue-in-cheek portrayal of human souls in anguish, inspired by Rodin's gates of hell.'