



Date: 2018
Artist: Marton Nemes (Hungarian)
30 x 20cm
Medium: Acrylic, Perspex and foil on mirror paper
Object number: UAC 938
DescriptionMarton Nemes studied MA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts. He says:

'After spending one year in London, I realised that my work is about techno. In a wider context the atmosphere and the aspiration I would like to capture is very similar to the phenomenon and experience of rave culture. I would like to create a disintegration and rearrangement of the pictorial state to bring the upheaval of some kind of newness.
I am involving techno music, DJ lights, police vinyl foils, metal, chain and mirrored Perspex to deepen the perception of a 2 dimensional painting. I am expanding and bending the surfaces, and with using sounds and lights I try to refer to the escapist counter cultural aspect of rave, and create some kind of multisensory experience. For this I look to the exhibition space to a party place and create a temporary autonomous zone like atmosphere in the gallery show.
My work can be the manifest of escapism, depicting a constant tension, effort, desire to the impossible break out from the frame. Never ending need of seeking pleasure and freedom that we try to reach every day.'