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Steamy Gents


Steamy Gents

Date: 2018
Artist: Alia Hamaoui (British-Lebanese)
130 x 180cm
Medium: Tapestry mesh, ceramic tiles, acrylic paint and timber
Object number: UAC 918
DescriptionHamaoui studied BA Painting at Camberwell College of Arts. Her practice exists in the expanded field of painting: reconfiguring materials to play with the notion of the relic in the digital age. She instils reality with a sense of illusion by combining materials with a strong physical presence with modern printed media. She is interested in spaces that are mysterious and feel separate to our everyday reality and tie into her cultural identity, such as the bath house.
Hamaoui makes sculptural-like constructions that try to embody elements of these illusionistic and mystic locations and uses a metaphorical visual language to try and make sense of it all.