
Spice Up Your Silhouette


Spice Up Your Silhouette

Date: 2016
Artist: Kione Tamar Grandison (British)
Approx. 27 x 40cm
Medium: Photocopy paper and glitter on card
Object number: UAC 900
DescriptionKione studied BA Fine Art: Painting at Wimbledon College of Arts. She says this work:

‘‘Is part of an ongoing collection of collages which explore ideas of identity and race, through looking at the black beauty industry and focusing on ‘hair’ as a signifier of culture, a political element of black female identity. I am interested in the contrast between traditional and contemporary beauty ideals in black women’s hairstyling, as well as the importance and significance that hair holds amongst female African and Caribbean diaspora today. I see my collage process of cutting up and weaving together elements, as similar to the type of beautifying and adornment that happens within a black beauty salon space.'