
Mail Order Bride Label

Brooch with ribbon and pink text

Mail Order Bride Label

Date: 2015
40 × 50 mm (4 × 5 cm)
Medium: Gilding metal pin holder, printed satin ribbon, leather
Object number: J.2015.871.CC.1
DescriptionMail Order Bride Label Brooch by Si Xing Season Cheng

In this particular piece, I focused on how South East Asian women are perceived in Western media (and society), and further listed out the qualities of such portrayal on the back of the label like fibre content on clothes. A silvery colour ribbon echoes the “wedding” theme, along with the pink "Chinese takeaway" font (generally classified as "Oriental") to add more context within a limited space. As accessories, they do not adorn, but add extra (unwanted) statements to the wearer. The labels can be easily pinned on, mimicking how easy it is for people to make racial stereotypes.