
Breakfast Set

ceramic crockery seen from the side

Breakfast Set

Date: 1999
90 x 150 mm (9 x 15 cm)
70 x 90 x 45 mm (7 x 9 x 4.5 cm)
100 x 75 x 55 mm (10 x 7.5 x 5.5 cm)
130 x 130 mm (13 x 13 cm)
115 x 115 mm (11.5 x 11.5 cm)
180 x 180 mm (18 x 18 cm)
230 x 230 mm (23 x 23 cm)
Medium: White glazed ceramics
Object number: C.44.1-7.CC
DescriptionWhite breakfast set including a large bowl, small bowl, tumbler, saucer, egg cup, small plate and large plate.