
30 Days (Orange)


30 Days (Orange)

Date: 2010
Artist: Ralph Hunter-Menzies (Scottish)
10 x 10 cm
Medium: Acrylic paint
Object number: UAC 711
DescriptionRalph Hunter-Menzies studied BA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts. He says:

'My practice is firmly rooted in the accumulation and exploration of time. My work was previously exploring time through the use of diaries and photography, but since August last year I have started focusing on routine and time through the medium of paint. I find paint is an appropriate medium due to its nature of deterioration, such as in Renaissance paintings. The making of my works take place over a period of thirty-days influenced by a Synodic month (roughly twenty-nine days). All my works focus on straight lines and the crosshatch pattern with different variations of brush strokes, which slowly, construct build-ups of paint. My works consist of a single colour. The emphasis in these works is strongly based on process, routine and time. The final aesthetic exists as a separate entity but one that is as significant. I’m also exploring the presentation of these pieces, questioning the line between sculpture and painting. I have explored displaying these pieces in frames, on plinths and on various supporting structures attached to the wall. The tally marks I make with these pieces exist as separate works and are often thought of as evidence of their production. Through these experimentations I have managed to distil the presentation and relationship between them, thus allowing them to speak for themselves in a more traditional manor.'