
Back-to-back chair for two people


Back-to-back chair for two people

Date: 2010
Artist: Eleanor Hutchinson (British)
180 x 50 x 55 cm
Medium: Ash, steel and fabric
Object number: UAC 702
DescriptionHutchinson studied BA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts. Her 'chair for two people’ was designed to instigate social interactions that are slightly different from the everyday. The chair is a fully usable object yet its design means the way it has to be used is unconventional. It forces physical contact yet makes forms of communication, such as eye contact and body language almost impossible. It forces people to question how they communicate with one another. Each person’s experience of sitting on the chair will be different depending on the other person they are sat with; an experience with someone you know well will inevitably be very different from sitting back-to-back with someone you don’t know at all.